Personal website of Lostero - one and only dictator on this site

For business spam target all on/at

Who am I?

1. JavaScript programmer
2. Performance freak
3. Visual UI development hater

What this site is about?

1. JavaScript/NodeJS related stupid posts
2. Other dumb posts

Why you shouldn't stay here?

1. Here you don't have any rights that I care about
2. If I don't like "your" activities on my site I will limit "you" in any way I see fit. "you" - entity of internet communication
3. It's just stupid to surf sites without generic ads in the 21st century
4. Most of the time there is no pleasing some eyes visual UI

Data collection warning!

1. By visiting this site you give permission to collect, save and process any data about you
2. Any suspicious activity can result in automatic temporary or manual permanent access ban to this site without any notice
3. Software/hardware data collection prevention can result in denial of access to all pages except homepage

Subscription benefits (lies)

New posts' URLs will be sent to subscribers before adding a link from any public page
Sometimes subscribers will get access to some WIP pages also
In order to subscribe fill out input below

If you want to spare a dime

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yandex metrika